Sunday, June 12, 2011


1. What are my streghts?
2. What specific things do i require in the job i'm seeing?
3. What are my long term goals?
4. What are my short term goals?
5. What have i already done to accomplish short term goals?
6. What do i still need to do to accomplish them?
7. What are my key values?
8. What is my personality type?
9. What do i most like doing?
10. What do i least like doing?
11. Am i a risk taker?
12. What causes me the most stress in my personal life?
13. What gives me the most pleasure in my personal life?
14. What games and sports do i enjoy,and what does that say about me?
15. Am i overly competitive?
16. Do i give up too easly?
17. Do i rise to a challenge or back away?
18. If a group of friends and acquiantances described me,what adjectives would they use?
19. What kinds of people do i enjoy working with?
20. What kind of life am i seeking?
21. What are my passions?
22. How can i make myself marketable in today's competitive job market?
23. How well do i interact with authority figures such as bosses,parents and teachers?

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